While working for Campus Clipper I got the chance to read a book called Twittfaced by: Jacob Morgan and Josh Peters. It's a book and toolkit on how to expand your understanding, knowledge, and maximizing the use of social media. Social media being Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare to name a few. The book begins with explaining who this book is targeting and what it's targeting for, such as: Individuals, Professionals, Organizations, and Everyone in general. They also explain that these social media tools can be also used as personal and not just only business; "we can know a lot about a person without actually knowing them." So if you're looking to read something simple and straightforward, while looking to expand your "brand" with the help/use of social media be sure to read this great book. Ask yourself, "Why should I use social media and how does it make things better?"
With social media we are seeing the exact same changes and evolution. Businesses that continued to exist without a website were left behind and the same thing is going to happen to businesses that refuse to participate in social media. Businesses that refuse to build relationships with their customers are going to die and nobody is going to be at their funeral (sad, right?). ~”Twittfaced”
Ollie O.: "Define your Happiness"